Saturday, August 10, 2019

Visual Path


Hi there! We all have been in different scenarios in this world. From moving small mountains to big ones. With different reactions to every occasion. I think the best way I have handled this was to just sit back and watch intensely on what is God trying to tell me. Now if you read that sentence and thought why did I type "watch" and not listen, keep reading. 

I put my emotions aside, and try to look at every step taken from the start of what has happened. And I mean, I find a quiet time, alone and sit down. I close my eyes or leave them open. (if I leave them open. my eyes are fixed on something but yet not looking at the object) I then retrace every step from days before to the present. I ask myself questions of steps others had taken for me or against me. I ask questions regarding myself. I look intensely at what I did and what others did. I put one and one together like a puzzle and I find my answer. 

It takes time to learn how to just sit back and think. We tend to want answers fast to react but this is what gets us in trouble sometimes. So I have learned that if I wait I can find the answer or know a little bit of why I am going through with what is happening.

There was a time in my life I was always asking the same questions. Why this? Why that? Why they can't do it for once? Why can't I (fill in the blank)? There were so many questions for a very long time. I was mentally tired that I had given up and just acted like a robot. My health was bad, my migraines were worse and my attitude towards life began to not have any feeling whats-so-ever. That was scary. Until something happened. It took one human to turn my world (for one day) upside down. Of course, I hated her for it, on that day. But as the days pass, I actually did not have any feelings towards this person. I actually had a couple of days to sit back and watch on what was going on around me and looked at the steps, realizing that I actually was going to go through this day, but I was not prepared. I was not prepared because my robot self was not paying attention. My attention was on other equal important things. But it is ok. I had a year to meet new people, learn who was family and friends in the time of need, learned more about myself and regroup my sanity. 

Another thing I did't see was that God was actually paying attention to me. Remember, I was always asking the same questions? Well I found part the answer. It was actually God, Life, The Universe, preparing me for a totally different scenario FOR MY LIFE. For this life I have now, called calm. When I mean calm, I mean mentally I am where I am suppose to be. Calm. I had to do what I did before, while asking questions, to be prepared for this next step of my life. The hardness I put on me to save, to keep calm, to be a certain way has actually helped me earn the calmness of life. And while I sit back and see the path, see what God is doing...I slowly understand on why the things around me back then was going on. So now I act towards the scenarios different because there is a reason for it. For growth, for meeting new people, for new positions, for new things in life. So I may have had that day turned my life upside down in a way I never saw it and cried with pain in my heart, but I see now why I had to go through it. I see now because I stopped and sat back, retraced the paths to see the steps and learned. Learned on how I had gained those days to be here, with what I been wanting to have. A calmness that I thought I would get from shedding tears of blood but got it from just drinking water. 

I hope you understand what I am saying. There are many bad things we go through but it will eventually play out of on our favor, It brings people you will actually need for a better reason than the one you want. Is like the saying goes, "better quality than quantity. And I also tell you "I rather have what I need than what I love, because when I have what I need I also find what I love". 

🌱Stay positive my friend. Life, God, The Universe has great ways to give you the best things in life. Just make sure to sit back and listen. You may find what you actually have been looking for. 🌞

Hugs to you,
Sweet Betty πŸ’“

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