Saturday, November 24, 2012

A little extra...

Great Afternoon World,

Well its Saturday. I'm in bed, with my cat, enjoying some KLoveRadio , which always uplifts my spirits when ever I tune in. and happily here blogging away. Trying to be more positive than ever. I say that because last weekend I wasn't feeling too good and I really don't want to feel like that. But I been praying, having my alone time and most of all having the Faith I need to, in God. Because only He knows what's the purpose of all this. So today, I'm happily enjoying the little extras that life has for me. NYC your cold today but inside my heart is all cozy. :-)

My mind is all over the place now so I'll try and type in a way to organize what I am trying to project to you. My Thanksgiving went well. My family from LI came to my place and it was a very well spent day. I got up early, had my coffee of course. Made sure I called my silly friend before his family went to his house. Always good to hear his voice. But happier to know that he's home and calls can be made when ever. (he knows, he knows lol) I saw my little cousins, which aren't so little anymore. But thats what life is about growing up. Friday, no work woohoo...and those left overs were the best!! But today I'm just relaxing. After all the holiday crazy and the one coming up (Christmas) I need this alone time. Well not so alone, my kitty is with me.

This month has been sorta interesting. I actually, am still, realizing that I have forgiven a certain someone who hurt me in the past. Now I'm not talking about 5th grade things, adult stuff. But as I'm here, sitting down, I think... no what I actually mean to say is that I feel the Forgiveness. The forgiveness of whatever has happened in life at that time. We all know no one is perfect and within all the commotion we should accept those we love the way they are. But when that person is just too much then something should change. So when I decided to stop and walk away, with tears and pain, I left. I don't regret anything because at that time I knew that with love in my heart I was capable of loving someone with all their flaws AND capable of walking away for myself. But now, after many years I'm feeling that my heart, my life is putting the pieces back together. And no not back to what it was because you can't glue something back without the cracks. But feeling happier, free. Free from that dark memory. Making room for new things, like more positive thoughts. More faithfulness and quotes. Yes, if you knew me personally you would agree, I'm a quote freak, lol.

But what lead me here is a particular person. Whom by time he will realize he had more of an impact on me that what I actually realized. I mean, a human body can hold so much that when its time to start does. It does slighlty different but it does. And if this particular person has been through the worst being where he was, then it shows me that if he can do it then I can also. Not exactly doing his same steps but moving on. Having to do better because there are people who wants you to be better. So now I feel like I'm rambling but I do hope you all know what I am trying to say.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that life has so many wonderful things that we need to stop and enjoy. Sounds to oridinary but it actually means alot. For instance, I have Instagram and I mostly post quotes. And wow, I been getting some nice feedback and I'm happy to know other people agree to what I post. While others are lost, I post something for them and they like or comment on it, shows me there are people out there paying attention to your words. And that is why I am ALWAYS careful with the words I say to others. You never know who may need the extra encouragement. I love my instagram friends. Some may be on the wrong wrong road but I do know they will find their way. Girls, we all find our way. Trust me. I may be older but that only shows you that I do understand and know there is a better road to jump into. *hugs to them all*

Ok, so Christmas is coming. Love the holiday cheers and movies. But most of all grateful that my Faith in God keeps growing. Everyday I have reason to why I should continue to be who I am. To why I keep having high hopes in my silly friend (he knows), in my kid, my mom and the growing relationship my sister and I are having. With all the positive why shouldn't my Faith keep growing. Everything happens for a reason and I should be looking at a better tomorrow by accepting today and its little extras. I mean, if we don't stop and accept , thank or learn from the little extra things in life then what will the journey conrtuct of. hmmm, well I think thats a totally entire blog.

Thank you so much for reading this far. Sorry for any typos or misunderstanding. Any questions just ask, And remember to follow my MY TWITTER account to get an everyday update. So be safe everyone.


P.S. If your surrounded by sadness, be the change. Get up and get Happy. So something silly. Even if your surrounded by sadness, negative or nonsense, Be the change. You don't have to jump because everyone else is, skip around and you'll be amazed of how many people will follow you.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Faith. Keeps Growing.

Hello World,

Such a beautiful week I been having, to come home and enjoy some chocolate. Yep, I can enjoy it because I'm finally losing the weight I been wanting to. I'm actually losing it pretty fast and I don't think that's too healthy. But I'm working on it.

Many of the bloggers talk about very interesting things but of what I remember my blog is basically about myself...and everything else. Yea, I don't think I can just talk about one topic here. But my life has been making major changes. As a mom, I have a teen and that pretty sums it up to those who understands. Hahaha. But I know for sure, we going to be alright. I have Faith in God that our future is what we can handle. My teen is a pretty smart one too. Just the other day we had teacher conference and she actually told me how it will go down. I listened and just kept walking. Funny thing is that, I was thinking she failed a class but no, she passed all of them. Smart kid!

My Faith has been growing. By Faith I mean, I still believe in God. I now listen to Christian Music on the radio. I LOVE that radio station. ( KLove Radio ) This station has helped me alot. And I mean alot. Everytime I feel that I am going to the negative side, I turn to this station and listen, tweet and instagram about them. Now I'm blogging about them. I really hope this station stays for the very longest time because the stories I have heard of so many people, the help they get by just tuning in. I mean, I for one, am so glad that God has blessed me to have the heart and energy (and guides my thoughts & words) to talk to strangers and some friends about their personal life, about private situations and I help them. No, I'm not a counselor YET but I do believe God has blessed me to help from my heart. I know what your thinking...'The strongest usually suffer the most'. Well it could be true, just that like I said, I'm better at helping others. It's more of I love helping others but its hard to help myself. I know some of you understand this.

Well when I do feel down and there has been times, my thoughts are not in the right path, the song that has popped into this station 3 times has been 'Don't Give Up' By Calling Glory . Talk about having Faith!!!! WOW!!! I surely opened more of my heart to God because is like He directly answered me right there and then. Now, I know there are many of us out there that received beautiful messages from Him (thorugh this station) and I want to finally say it here and outloud that I get them too.

I have found an answer also. I know that since I help my friends with certain things, and up to where my arms can reach... I have Faith in God to bless me with a great friend also. Someone that also, is careful with his/her words with me, someone who thinks before he/she speaks to me...But then something told me that why am I asking for one when I already have God for that. That I should help without expecting anything back but be HAPPY BECAUSE I HAVE HELPED. I should have a good nights sleep when I brighten someone else's day...should it be like that? Yes! it should. because thats the way I am and I know God has his purpose for me to be this way. I look at the past relationship and I think to myself with all that has happened I should be lost in this world. To be honest, I'm not too lost. I can look around and feel the Faith. I can feel the Faith growing. And by just typing it, I can feel it growing more, little by little. I feel content, happy and secure that God has me where He wants me to be. Each day, I try my very best to show others that they are thought of, loved and that I am here to talk. Even if they don't want to talk, I can just be there. Sometimes, without words being exchanged, and staring at the sky or at the TV...helps.

I hope that somehow, who ever reads this knows that there's someone out there to hear you out, without judgement and just be a friend. But to know if its real, Listen to God and He will answer you. I think its best to search for God and He will bring you that special friend on your darkest hour. Listen carefully because good people still exist. Don't hurt them but listen to what God is saying. Feel his answer in your heart. when your on your lowest point, God is testing your Faith and when you need it most, that friend will be around. But don't get me wrong, they are not there for you only. You also have do to your part as a friend as well. I mean thats the best thank you, you can give for God having your back when you needed the most. Leave the negative and those who bring them to you in the past. Appreciate the healthy care, love and sincere heart God has brought near you in a human form.

Ok, so friends,'m glad you read this far and I didn't bore you. I would keep typing but I need to wake uo early for work. I'm happy to also say a GREAT FRIEND of mine has come back home. And because of him I have my Faith growing. I see him and my heart gets excited because he's alive, home and breathing. All because God has a great purpose for him to keep moving forward. And if he one day reads this, I hope he knows that he will ALWAYS have a special place in my heart. That I will always try my best to understand him and his ways and help in what I can. And when I say always, I mean as long as God permits, I'll be around.

Have a great night!!!


Sunday, October 28, 2012

I'm Back...

Hello World,

Very sorrry about disappearing like that. But I'm back here. Happy to see my followers still around and hopefully by the end of the year (which is pretty soon) I can receive more followers. Well alot has happen in my life. I guess slowly and steady I'll type what has happened and my inner thoughts. since its been a while, I won't let all it all out at once. I will just ramble about and I won't even understand what I had typed. LOL.

But I will tell you this. Even with the downs here and there, I always find myself back to the Happy Girl that needs to make it to the next day. Happy that I still have my family and a special friend of mines back home. God does work his miracles and it has helped my faith grow even more. I know everything happens for a reason and well whether I like it or not, I will accept that reason. All because I know its for my better. Let me leave this one short since I'm also cleaning and took a break.

Hope you all are doing great. And if you happen to just pass around for browsing, hope you come back. :-)


Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Sometimes all a person needs is a hand to hold and a heart that will listen to them.

Where's my bug?

There are so many wonderful things in the world that we just don't take a look at and enjoy it at the time being.
For instance, did you know that if you watch a bug (any bug) on a flower you become so into it that you would want to know what in the world must that bug think as I'm looking at him. Or as they look at you. Lol
Well how about a day of non-negative thoughts. Have you just layed on the grass and enjoy the stars at night? Have you just been alone and take charge to positive thoughts and feel refreshed? How about sitting down with a new friend and having the longest conversation that you wish it never ended? and when you got home you feel refreshed because there's actually someone who actually knew what he/she was saying and you felt intrigued.
How about those walks you do in the afternoon and enjoy some music and tune out the world just for a bit...that when you look at the time an hour has passed by and all you did was sing like no one was hearing you. How about those rainy days, appreciate those cuddles even if is from your pet.

So who's wanting more of those wonderful moments we all need? I know I do.
Why can't we all just get along and not let those negative thoughts get in the way. Of course, we are not perfect but why not try and just relax. Alone or with someone, but relax.
How about when you meet someone and you want to relax with them. Because you just spent about 3 hours on the phone with them and it was actually something you haven't done since those junior high school days with your best friend. It gets one to think that we are capable of finding that person whom you want to spend time with. Capable of actually moving on because you can love again and this time actually have a reason to do so, other than "omg he's so cute"...LOL

It all takes time and because it does, along the way, why not mold yourself to the better. Why not open your eyes of the heart to things that once were closed. Forgive what happened yesterday because you never know whom you going to meet today, tomorrow, or right now. You don't have to rush but just dance in the rain while you wait. If someone intrigues you then let him/her dance with you too. You might just have find a dance partner for life.

Monday, April 23, 2012


Just wanted to share a song by Kelly Clarkson that I enjoy hearing. Hope you do too!!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Humor Me!

When there's lemons, I love making lemonade. But sometimes, I make freshly squeezed orange juice from lemons.

I may go out a little more than usual from what I wanted to say but, of course, no real names due to respect. I never understood how a person can want another and expect more from what they, themselves give. I mean, I know we all have to try and reach higher than usual but lets be conscious and respect the other person as well. From experience, if I give you the time of day to reply to your messages and be neat to go out because you said its a fancy place and you show up with old sneakers, then I will rethink about what you are about. Not because those sneakers are old, but there's something missing from what your projecting out. If I go out my way to wear cute shoes and a dazzling necklace and your shirt screams gym time, hahahah (real laugh), then I will definetly, rethink about 'us'. If we both try then we, together can make it. At least to some level of understanding.

Another thing, if your partner wants to end what ever you have together and you ask for another chance...AND are given another BUT still act the same. you lost already. C'mon that person gave you another chance, why mess it up, if you really wanted to be back. That second chance meant more effort coming from you who wanted the 2nd chance, more effort into knowing and realizing what was missing from the first time and actually trying to make it. And when I mean try, it doesn't mean today then tomorrow no. Or that the person giving you the chance has to wait a whole year to see a difference. So lets be mindful and accept that certains things we did with our Ex's doesn't need to be repeated with the next. Unless you have proof, the person is still around because of it.

I'm not bashing anyone out just making sure that I wasn't going crazy with some people I have meet. I know it takes a while to meet someone to grow old with but along the way, we may meet some crazies. Some of them actually make me laugh till this very day. With them...and at them.

I don't regret or treat them negative, I just accept the fact that the world has many different personalities that we may never understand. So we just...move on. So when I do and we agree to be friends and I just randomly say something like, 'so what's down'..they don't do/say nothing. I mean,. THINK. Seriously, just THINK. Everyone says 'what's up' so I sometimes just say the opposite of the usual...'what's down'. Now the way you take it its your problem. If its funny I'll laugh. But if its not, I'll still laugh at you. :-) Eightor way, we are having fun. The downside, some just don't get it. So that sweet little person that understands more about a certain type of humor doesn't come out to everyone. If she does, consider yourself lucky. You Lucky dog you, but it doesn't matter if you don't get it. Its a part of me you'll need to understand and appreciate as you get to know me, and when you do, I'll know. Then we'll just skip around the world and end up in the Grand Canyon singing and dancing to the lyrics to "Everyday I'm Shufflin" by LMFAO.

Won't that be a nice picture? ;-)


Now who in the world would understand me and my neurons. I think when I find someone, other than my mini-me, who can stimulate my brain to make more 'orange juice from lemons' then I have lived. Well, not exactly. But that's another story.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Ready Or Not...

Hello World,

Its a beautiful Tuesday morning as I type this. Listening to 96.7FM K-Love radio. A station I find peace and be calm when I start listening to their wonder christian music.

I hope everyone is enjoying their Tuesday and sharing their thoughts to someone they trust. I have someone I can communicate with and I want to remind you that if you don't have someone you can talk to, I am here. I'm not a professional councelor. One thing I learned and alot of people have a hard time knowing this is that, we usually give 'advice' when we should be guiding others to decide on their own. Of course, you bring out ideas but I tend to always mention that it all depends on them and their situation. We have so many resources around us that we can use. (Excuse the people who are limited to them, sorry) What I was thinking about my life when I was in a teen having a baby. I remember thinking what in the wrong is this. I do thank some ladies in my highschool that offered me help and talked to me about different options in life. Talking to me about that it doesn't disable me to many wonderful things in life just because I will have a baby at a young age. Matter of fact, thinking right now, they were right. I had fun growing up with my kid. Playing with her like she was my younger sister. BUT please, if your a teen reading this, don't think that all was peachy and you can have a better life for yourself. It all works out to different people in different situations. Please don't mistake this that I am saying having a baby at a young age is better!
OK, so where was yea, I had a few resources next to me and learn a limited information about certain things in life. Being still in highschool how was I suppose to pay for babysitter, extra food, milk, diapers, baby clothes...and more....and more. Phew!!! that was alot of things and being jobless but in school. One thing my mom told me was she wasn't going to let me drop out that I had to finish school...or she won't help. Of course, I needed the help and finshed highschool. Did exactly 4 years and got my diploma. (not those GED or special programs but the actual diploma). Was very happy to finish and having a mom and kid right next to me, supporting me. I was reaching higher.

But not all was peachy, teens keep reading..Within all that, I had to move. Move in a way that I was a teen but adult. I was always the quiet one but I had to make my voice known, somehow. I struggled with being in a relationship at first then single. Which worked out better for me and my child. I had to move in a way that I, myself had to get the resources I need to keep moving up in life. I was always scared of talking to people, thinking I was asking stupid questions or afraid I'll get lost in certain places. But I would always think abuot my child, how I need to do things for her. Kept my chin up and walked to job interviews, asked questions in the community for kindergarten (schooling), learn my way around little by little...along with my mom who was an expert already. So, I was doing things that a 15 year old shouldn't be doing at that age but at an age that was appropiate. Meaning, ready and secure to have a baby.
What I mean is that, I wasn't ready for child. I wasn't going to have an abortion nor send for adoption. I made my mind that i was going to be a mom. I wasn't ready, in every aspect of life, I wasn't. Many teens consciously, make that mistake that they are ready to have a baby. But if you knew the work you put into it, you'll agree.
Ask yourself this, do you have money right now? Not $10 dollars. I mean money that if you need to move out you have enough for a year at least? Do you have a job that pays well that you can save money, not living pay check by pay check? Do you think you'll have the support if you end up single? If so, what's the support...your parents, a descent job? There's alot of this we need to consider before having a baby. It takes alot of patients, alot of courage, alot of financial support. Now please don't think that because you are in a relationship (to teens) that will last forever (that's a different story)...and you'll have his money to depend on. I am asking YOU, YOURSELF, YOUR OWN BODY, do you have the extra money to fall back on? Are you prepared that if one day, your partner doesn't come back, you can manage on your own? Never thought of that right? Well it happens. He can promise he'll be there but it can be so over whelming that some men just leave because its too much for them. Others end the relationship and make their own life. Some may help every now and then with financial support but again, if your both teens. He's probably in the same boat, financially.
I know I may sometimes, come out to blunt about certain things in life but if no one is willing to speak to you about somesthings in life then you won't think before you act. I mean no disrespect to teens moms, I was one myself, but this part of my blog is about giving you the chance to THINK about what you want in life. Did you know that as a teen with a baby, your considered as an adult? Means that what ever you do with your child, you will be trial as an adult. So if your 16, sweetie for them your over 21.
So, if you think that by having his baby he'll stay. WRONG!!! You can't make someone stay, you can't make someone do anything. That's the biggest lie you can tell yourself. Sooner or later something happens if you keep going at it the wrong way. If you have time now to go to finish school and go to colleg...GO!!! Don't have a baby just because you need to make sure he stays or don't want to be too old. C'mon, are we really that dumb to depend on someone else to support us? Some are willing to stop their success because of someone else  but thats not a healthy thing to do for yourself, not shows your future daughter how to be independent. Now if it does work out, congratulations you beat the odds, but please don't make others think it can work overall. Because it doesn't. Alot of children are being raised by a single parent and its much harder. Not just financially but emotionally and all. Why not prepare yourself to have a baby. and not wait after the fact to make something out of your life. If you wait, now you have to spend MORE money, money that YOU don't own or have for babysitter because you decided now to go back to school or get a job. IN other words, you have no money because you don't work so guess who's paying for it, your partner. (those that stay).
That's another thing, if your partner is making it in life, meaning working to get up there and your not but you need to have his baby...can you please make sure you also work to get up there in life. Make him proud of you when he introduces you. If you don't have a goal and he is wokring on his, you'll be left behind and some men would like a partner who also has a mind of her own. Intellectually. How would you feel if your friends have college dregee and talk about their expriences and when its your turn...*they hear crickets*... not a good thingt right? Then work for a better tomorrow NOW so when your ready you can have a healthy mind in picking a good dad and be an even greater mom. (we all are great oms, even when not ready).
Its a shame when you see older adults making choices that probably a 14 would (because she won't know yet). I mean, if you have friends that been there done that, why not do something a little different like...wait. How can one female who wants children show their daughters that they need to go to school first when they didn't themselves? Yea you can be an example but you shouldn't have been a static but a better example. So lets not depend on money that it aint yours and make some of your own. Save it so in case tomorrow something happen, you have something to fall back on. If you have friends, ask around how they had it, read books on teens pregnancy. (no need to be teen) Learn about past experiences and be the change.

I think  Malcolm X said it better..."It is impossible to understand the present or prepare for the future unless we have some knowledge of the past."

So now, lets start working.

Monday, April 9, 2012

As we wait...

Hello Beautiful Humans,
I hope everyone has enjoyed their Easter day.  I know a few know this but lately I been seeing alot of single people making wrong choices. Trying to hurry into a or, another relationship. I don't even think it should be called a relationship because that deals with two people, not one.
Well many of us want to find a partner fast because we're lonely, need companionship, need someone to be there for us...but if you ask yourself those words into questions, has the partners been there as that? I mean the last 'relationship' didn't last long enough and was he (narrowing it down, could be 'she' as well) there for you? Was he quiet enough to listen and understand you and help you out somehow? If you answer no, then sweetie let's think about the choices we make.
First off, we don't need someone, another human to make us whole. I know we all need someone to feel love and recieve hugs, but we don't desperately need someone for that. We need to accept the quietness that surrounds us. We need to mediatate about what we really need, and not just want. You can want many things but it doesn't mean you actually need that in your life. If your a person who yearns for affection, then the most ideal one for you would be an affectionate one. So in order to find a person like that, you need to be full with affection from yourself. To leanr the difference of fake affection. Meaning liers, those people who just want to be there for a few minutes.
We all makes mistakes, no doubt about that. But we do need to realize that the loniness and quietness of not having a relationship is the time for you to learn about your deeper thoughts. We grow everyday and when given the chance, we need to accept that. Now I don't mean you sit down doing nothing, but as you go out you see new people, learn their habits and actually asks yourself would you like it in 5 years from now? Would you still find it cute as you do now?
Also, remembering what went wrong in the past 'relationships' can help. If your partner made you feel a certain way you did not approve then look for the opposite of that characteristic. Take your time to explore the other person before making any long time decisions. Is like doing your homework and studying on that specific person.

Certain male friends have told me that they would have chosen me as the mother of their children if they knew where they would be landing. Brings me a smile but also concern because men also need to do their homework on girls. If you know she ain't the right one then don't make her your childrens mother. I seen that repeat so many times that everyone screams, "I told you so".

Its not a funny situation but a concerning one because of you just know what you need for yourself, for your tomorrow, for next year then narrowing down an ideal partner can help you make a wiser choice. But as I said, we all keep growing and always learning about things in life. So lets take time to learn and work for what YOU really need than you can learn to appreciate the good part and the not so good part of the real relationship you deserve.

Until next time, be safe and keep laughing. Its the best medicine out there!

Friday, April 6, 2012

I'm Back!!

I'm glad to be back!! I found many other wonderful bloggers and I hope they follow me too!
So I was wondering where to start. I been away for a while because I was sick, then my laptop was out. That made it worse since I only had my cell for communication. How electronics has become such a big part of our life that we need it for everyday use.

I was thinking along the way of how to make my blog better for you all. I mean I would like to see more people participating. I can direct it under one topic. I also like to type about myself, quotes and certains things in life that peeople are afraid of talking. For instance, domestic violence, rape, child molestation. I can go and typer about myself and some domestic violence things and of course quotes. I have come across so many wonderful quotes from Fb and other sites that I want to share. So lets see how it goes.

For those of you that celebrate Easter, HAPPY EASTER. If you don't thats ok. Enjoy the weekend and hugs all around!!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Oh Oh

Hello all,

I'm sorry I been missing in action here. For some reason after my laptop update I can no longer get into Blogger. I can go into gmail but for here I can't. I am typing this through my cell and hopefully you can be able to read it clearly. Please, if any of you had this problem before and know a way to fix this, please write in it the comments or DM on Twitter. I have been on Twitter lately.
Hopefully I can this resolved because I have lots to say :-)

Thanks to my new followers aa well!!!!
Hope everyone enjoys their weekend. Hope to hear from you all soon.


Monday, January 30, 2012

I am here.

We all make bad decisions, we all make silly choices or a wrong turn somewhere but that doesn't mean you are not right. You are doing your steps as they come. If your a teen, the world may seem like the world is against you or that no one cares...or even might think that if you just don't exist, everything will be the same. But there will be a difference because for everything theres a reason. You may have been a "mistake" (as some say) to be conceived but you have a purpose to be alive. There's something in this world that you will make it know to others that we can make it. We can move on.
There are times that we feel like we are 'less than perfect' but you are in your OWN way. I know we humans say nothings perfect and maybe they right but guess what...YOU ARE PERFECT THE WAY YOU ARE. A flower is perfect even when the petals fall, a dog barking is perfect because he/she can talk, its own language. 
I wish I can talk one on one to some people who feel down...Don't give up. The world has many wonderful and beautiful things around. It may be hard now it does get better. But you need to talk about what's going on. Don't ever let it get the best of you that you need to result into doing things that puts yourself into an action that will hurt. There are people out here that can help. Whether is sad, depressed, cutting or any other thing your going through, please know that someone out there (maybe near you) is willing to hear you and help you somehow. 
Right now, I may be typing but my thoughts of what to type is everywhere. I have things to say but I need to put it together. But do know that I am here and if you wish to talk with someone, you can stay anonymous, and I will hear you out. I am including a link of what disturbed me and decided to update this type of blog. I will come back to this.
Ladies and gentlemen, please please know that you are NOT ALONE!!!!!
I am not sure if my email is available in my blog but I will update that by the end of the week. Or just comment on this if you wish to speak to me. Have a blessed day!!!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sex, Marriage & Fairytales video.

I am a believer of God. I have Faith in Him. When I'm confused, I search for Him. I thank God in the mornings when I open my eyes. And when I see an elderly couple holding hands and enjoying their time, I know God is reminding me of my patience.  This is a video on youtube that I cam across. Maybe some of you can listen closely and get closer to the answers you need. Enjoy!

The Past

Monday, January 23, 2012


*hearing Christian Music while updating my blog. @

I been away from here for a bit because this year the flu caught up to me. Had been so sick that I was out of it most of the time but deep down somehow God was answering some of the questions I had a few days before I got the flu.
There are times i get so into what I ask that I forget on how to listen and understand what God tells me. I know my family goes first, I know I have to do good and follow the word but somehow I got lost and was accepting something unhealty for. A relationship that wasn't a relationship and since it wasn't hard to realize that it wasn't what I need...I finally made a decision to again, just find myself again. Find what I really need and accept the fact that I deserve better.
With all that said I got the flu, my kid was sick...we both ended up in the hospital that the only person with us was with my mom! I can't thank her enough to helped me out and pay attention to my kid when needed because I couldn't too much (as I was in the ER as well). Having the faith in God and knowing my mom has 100% faith in God, I know it all worked out for us. And is still is. We are alive and healthy. Thanking God and thanking God for sending someone so caring like my mother to look over us.
I don't want to keep typing too much since homework needs to be done. But I do want others to know that I am still here, reading blogs and enjoying them. My faith keeps growing and loving myself and my family each day more!

Hugs to all!!

Saturday, January 7, 2012



A Thought

I wonder what can happen if we adults tell the kids what we already know and their reply can be different from "I Know". Kids know everything but yet know nothing, since we adults are still in the learning process. Life has become a little easier as you can organize your thoughts and feelings. Yes, organize. I mean, if you know a person is not good for you then it won't hurt to move. You know that that personality is not suitable in YOUR life.
As we move on, we learn other things. Like they way we want to be treated, the way we carry ourselves not many people do like. And that's ok because we are not here to be liked by everyone. If we can tell our kids that life has many things that you can choose from but not everything you WANT is for you. Some things you NEED may be better but as we grow, we learn how to make a wise decision.
We adults also go through mistakes. That's why I love hanging out with senior citizens because they "been there done that" more than people at my age. (not too old lol) So I appreciate their chats about their youth, their advice in something’s in life, how picking a partner affects us as we age.
So what if I can tell my child what would be better for her, do you think that can work? How about if she finds a love and I see something wrong...should I tell her that isn’t going to work in the long run but enjoy it while it last BUT don't give him your heart?
I know children need to make their own mistakes to learn. I agree. But what if in other things we can help, like in work. Can we teach them to be more efficient, more humble? Well for those who are humble but those who are just feisty wow! LOL
I think if we all took a minute of our day to guide a child right we can have future adults making wiser choices than todays.
I tell my child, speak up to your teachers so you can get use to speaking what you feel BUT in a respectfully manner, using NO bad words. But she says they always right. Hmmmm, teachers always right? In my opinion (magic word) opinion, they not always right. No one is ever always right. They are humans too but what i can say is that a working hard, DEGREE teacher will most likely know a little more than you, according to the subject taught.
Well i do encourage her to speak up, respectfully, question what confuses you and you can learn something else other than what is being taught. One time it happen and by the look in my kids face... I was smiling.
See if we take a minute and teach our child(ren) to do a little more than the usual maybe a spark can come up to be a better human being, for themselves too. That's one thing I tell my child..."the person who wants to control you is afraid of growing up".
One thing I am defiantly trying to teach my kid is that no one is in this world, other than God, can make her feel a certain way she doesn't want to feel. Of course, we all feel all sorts of emotions in a point intended for the being. But if someone is doing for some stupidity then she controls that. She can control her own emotions. Feeling according to what that bully wants your giving in to their game and since my kid has a character of "I don't think so" then I try to prove to her that is the same....if you are not accepting what certain people do to you then don’t accept what those OTHER people want you to feel. Is a harder thing to do but repeating it, the brain becomes accustomed to hearing it…even without me there.

Thanks for passing through and reading!! Hope everyone enjoys their weekend!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Christian Radio Station

Wanted to share with everyone that I found a radio station, K-Love, Christian Music. I'm adding a link so it can be easy for you to listen to. I enjoy listening to them everyday at home. Makes my heart content.
Enjoy!!! (thats only a pic if you click it, it probably won't take you there)

Sunday, January 1, 2012


On the first page of our storyThe future seemed so bright
Then this thing turned out so evil
I don't know why I'm still surprisedEven angels have their wicked schemesAnd you take that to new extremes
But you'll always be my hero
Even though you've lost your mind