Friday, April 6, 2012

I'm Back!!

I'm glad to be back!! I found many other wonderful bloggers and I hope they follow me too!
So I was wondering where to start. I been away for a while because I was sick, then my laptop was out. That made it worse since I only had my cell for communication. How electronics has become such a big part of our life that we need it for everyday use.

I was thinking along the way of how to make my blog better for you all. I mean I would like to see more people participating. I can direct it under one topic. I also like to type about myself, quotes and certains things in life that peeople are afraid of talking. For instance, domestic violence, rape, child molestation. I can go and typer about myself and some domestic violence things and of course quotes. I have come across so many wonderful quotes from Fb and other sites that I want to share. So lets see how it goes.

For those of you that celebrate Easter, HAPPY EASTER. If you don't thats ok. Enjoy the weekend and hugs all around!!


  1. I absolutely love your blog!
    Stopping by from the Blogging Moms on CM!
    I look forward to reading more of your posts!

  2. Thanks so much Jennifer!!! I followed you back thro my cell, hope that went thro. Will soon visit yours and enjoy your blogs!! Happy Monday!
