Monday, November 28, 2011

Sticking together!

It has come to my attention that many people with higher positions take others as their little piglets for their research. Well, actually that has been going on for a long time. In my opinion, and please your opinions are welcome as well, there's a reseacher and a 'doctor' that think that taking obese children out of their homes to lose weight is a good idea. They put children into foster care until the child, I guess, losses weight. So as I hear that kids are not being taken care of in their foster care and that social workers or social services are so over worked with paperwork and lots of cases, they on top of that, included to take obese kids out of their own home and putting them in stranger homes. I say stranger because foster care is where the family don't know them. Or so.
Also, you take out kids from their normal life to concentrate on losing weight, right? So how about their emotional side when they start missing their mom? or dad? or little sister or brother? and how about their room? their pet dog or hamster? Hmmmm, to think of it, the kids are taken out to get back on track on 'societies' ideal weight...or they won't go home? Again, my opinion, so is this the perspective way we want to show our kids?
The majority already have other issues about weight gain, and to take a 2 or 3 year old out because they are obese ....will make them think: "I was taken from mommy because I am fat". Now this gets me annoyed, especially if someone says that's not going to happen, We as adults would think differently and because of that children will do also. C'mon people, how can some "doctor" of "health" determine that a child has to be taken from home?
If it's because the mother went to get help in a hospital because their child was not feeling well, then guess what...other parents/caregivers out there will think twice about bringing their child to the doctor. They'll be afraid of losing custody of their child. If fear is what you want to produce to parents to lower the obese statistics then you got another thing comming! Out of fear parents will rally against your studies.
I understand people want to help but the idea of taking kids out of their homes is ridicolous! If the parent is trying then get more programs out there to support more children and parents. Hey here's an idea BRING RECREATION (GYM), ART, MUSIC AND SPORTS BACK INTO THE SCHOOL SYSTEM!!!
I think that can help alot into your 'research'!!!
I tend to always look at both sides of the situation, so i understand about helping and doing something about it. But the action is not right. Is like if my neighbors dog keeps barking then I can do my reseach and veto their family pet out? NO, because animals have feelings too.

Well, let me stop here and again, is an opinion expressed here. That's one thing about America, we all can speak our minds and respect each others opinion, To read about this story click the link.
Thanks for coming by today and until next safe!


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